5-Star Rated, Attentive, Reliable, 10+ Years Experience


You are unique. So is your book. That's why we work closely with you to ensure your book reflects this individuality, appeals to your readers and fills you with excitement.

We offer practical knowledge and creative flair in typesetting and cover design to transform your manuscripts into publishable books which you can then shout about to the world with pride and joy.

All our services come with our free guidance and advice to help you along your publishing journey.

If you need your book urgently, we offer an express service to prepare your book for printing within two weeks.


Give your book a great inside.

We guarantee to give your manuscript the time and attention it deserves and transform it into a high-quality book ready for print.

Your finished book will have a look and feel which reflects your book's genre and mood and is styled to appeal to your target audience.

Let's talk about making your book look great:

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Cover Design

Cover design

Give your book a standout cover.

We work with you to create a cover design that sets the right tone for your book and will grab the attention of your readers.

Already have ideas? Great! No ideas? We’ll help you out. Need illustrations? We’ve got connections. Would like to use your own image? No problem.

Let's talk about making your book look great:

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eBook typesetting package

Whether in addition to a printed book or just on its own, we can help create a reflowable eBook which adapts to a range of devices for easy reading.

Have images to include? We can sort it for you. Need hyperlinks in your eBook? No problem.

Let's talk about making your book look great:

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Marketing service

To buy your book, your readers have to know it exists.

We will work with you to design a range of marketing materials which you can use to promote your book. From social media graphics to bookmarks, or even a T-shirt!

The more people who know about your book, the better!

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BLaDE Service

BLaDE service

Have you typeset your own book and would like some feedback? Then our Book Layout and Design Evaluation (BLaDE) service is perfect for you.

We will evaluate the layout, design and typesetting of your book and provide feedback with suggested improvements to give your book that professional edge.

Let's talk about making your book look great:

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DIY Book Formatting

Online Course service

Do you want to learn to typeset and format your own books? Do you want to be able to create your own covers?

Whether you’ve tried before or are completely new to book design, then our course may be what you’re looking for.

We provide you with user-friendly professional software for desktop publishing and teach you how to use it to format your own book. Most of our video tutorials are less than 5 minutes long, so you can go as fast or slow as you like.

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